All dogs, no matter the shape, color, breed or size-originated from the Wolf and Wild Dog. Although domesticated for at least a few thousand years, several primal instincts remain. These instincts are commonly neglected as dogs have become purely "pets".
Just like wolves, dogs are social animals-especially within their pack. Within their pack there is a hierarchy that teaches and enforces boundaries and structure constantly.The pack survival depends on this system--the leadership of the alpha male and/or female.
Removal, or lack of leadership results in chaos. We are constantly competing with our dogs mind. Without challenging the thought process by conditioning thru repetition-we are basically left with a 'creature of impulse'. Like the Wolf-This primal necessity remains in dogs. Tapping into this innate pre-disposition is the key to modifying undesirable behaviors--Change through leadership!
Our philosophy centers on teaching you to be the leader of your beloved pet and/or pack by teaching/conditioning thru repetition in your natural daily interactions with them. Although 'treats' certainly have there place,and can be wonderful tools when attempting to achieve certain tasks and in moderation-they should not be used as a replacement for time and effort when earning your dogs trust and respect. There are no 'one-time' magic tricks to make your dog a better dog. Just like any relationship, it is an on-going practice of time, patience, exercise and healthy communication.
Our mission is to teach YOU how to do this successfully.
--J.P. Parrett
Just like wolves, dogs are social animals-especially within their pack. Within their pack there is a hierarchy that teaches and enforces boundaries and structure constantly.The pack survival depends on this system--the leadership of the alpha male and/or female.
Removal, or lack of leadership results in chaos. We are constantly competing with our dogs mind. Without challenging the thought process by conditioning thru repetition-we are basically left with a 'creature of impulse'. Like the Wolf-This primal necessity remains in dogs. Tapping into this innate pre-disposition is the key to modifying undesirable behaviors--Change through leadership!
Our philosophy centers on teaching you to be the leader of your beloved pet and/or pack by teaching/conditioning thru repetition in your natural daily interactions with them. Although 'treats' certainly have there place,and can be wonderful tools when attempting to achieve certain tasks and in moderation-they should not be used as a replacement for time and effort when earning your dogs trust and respect. There are no 'one-time' magic tricks to make your dog a better dog. Just like any relationship, it is an on-going practice of time, patience, exercise and healthy communication.
Our mission is to teach YOU how to do this successfully.
--J.P. Parrett